Smiley # Emoticon # Kaoani # ^-(°°)-^
Emoticons Text Dictionary 
Dictionary of funny text-based Emoticons Smileys for SMS Text Messaging
and Chat. (Facial expression pictorially represented by punctuation and
letters, usually to express a writer’s mood)
~@-@~ Objects and ASCII...
:-# Brace
(~) Aquarium
-<=+ Plane
8[+] Gift
c(_)~~~ Coffee (hot)
@}:-) Nice hat
c):-) Derby hat
(~)3 Beer mug
-===) Candle
8Ö< Camera
(:-) Motorcycle Helmet
0))__)> Pencil
( )==[ ];:;:;:;:;:;::> Sword
(-o-) Rocket
c==(==O=) Guitar
(||] Hamburger
(X0||) Double hamburger
~@-@~ Glasses
*<|><|><|= Christmas tree
*<<<<+ Christmas Tree
|==|iiii|>---- Syringe
E_)~~ Computer mouse
(:( =| Statue
(__)> Cup of tea
C[_] Mug
>[ ] Television
(_)_TNT___)------* TNT
\_/ Empty glass
\~/ Glass half full
)--I Glass of wine
Q>--| A Martini
__/'''''\_ (_($)_=_($)_) Car
@= Atomic mushroom
@}---- Flower
@}>~~>~~ A nice rose
^v^v^ Mountains
[<O>] Brazil
__ /o)\ \(o/ Yin and Yang \\\/// ( @ @ ) ....o00o.(_).o00o... Hello ! \\\||||||//// \\ ~ ~ // ( @ @ ) ______oOOo-(_)-oOOo______ ...... ...... ...... LOL ...... ...... ...... ____________Oooo.________ .oooO ( ) ( ) ) / \ ( (_/ \_) (\(\ /)/) (oo) (';') (")(") (") (")o Small Rabbits
( ),( ) ( ),( ) _(';')_ _(';')_ ( . ) ( . ) I I \ \ Mouse _ _ _/ \|/ \_ /\\/ \//\ \|/<\ />\|/ /\ _ /\ \|/\ Y /\|/ \/|v-v|\/ \/\_/\/ Lion
Emoticons text Dictionary :
Characters and Jobs ⊕ Fantastic and Famous ⊕ Attitudes
Animals ⊕ Look and Body ⊕ Japanese ⊕ Communication and Action
Usual and No nose ⊕ Objects and ASCII ⊕ Figures and Drawings ASCII